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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Also known as the “beating your head against the wall” sound. Turns out I left a doozy of a bug in the 1.2 release. When adding contacts to your Gmail account, Syncman would not add these contacts to the My Contacts group. This could cause strange problems, especially if you opted not to synchronize Suggested Contacts.

I’ve just released Syncman 1.2.1 (Syncman > Check for Updates) which will properly add any new contacts in Address Book to the My Contacts group in Gmail.

After updating, if Syncman still wants to delete a bunch of contacts from Address Book, the easiest solution is to empty the cache Syncman > Preferences > Advanced > Empty Cache and sync again. The downside to the ‘easy’ solution is that it leaves a bunch of duplicate contacts in your Suggested Contacts. The alternative solution, which doesn’t do this, is to manually move those contacts into My Contacts in Gmail.

I sincerely apologize for this lapse in quality control. If you’ve been bitten by this bug and need any assistance in getting your contact lists back in order, please don’t hesitate to contact us. And many thanks to Ross on the Syncman group for noticing and helping to track down this bug.